Failed Creation

by Divine Heresy

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.00  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 6:12 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


Bleed the Fifth

Song Author

Dino Cazares

Tabbed by

Jak Noble (JakIsDead)


1st → Dino Cazares (Lead)
2nd → Joe Payne
3rd → Dino Cazares (Rhythm)
4th → Tim Yeung
5th → Tommy Cummings
6th → Additional Guitar

File Size

95 KB




Seas wash us a-way War be-ing waged Fa-mine strick-ken coun-tries sti-ill en-slaved Blind to the signs A fate we've con-trived Mar-ching head-first in-to-o this Seas wash us a-way War be-ing waged Fa-mine strick-ken coun-tries sti-ill en-slaved Blind to the signs A fate we've con-trived Mar-ching to-ward the e-end of ti-i-ime Are we so blind to the si-i-i-i-i-igns? Seas wash us a-way War be-ing waged Fa-mine strick-ken coun-tries sti-ill en-slaved Blind to the signs A fate we've con-trived Mar-ching to-ward the e-end of ti-i-ime Are we so blind to the si-i-i-i-i-igns? (Con)tri-i-ived Ren-dering our sen-ses so bli-i-i-i-i-ind


I'm confident this tab is accurate, but it was done completely by ear so forgive me if there are any mistakes =] If you like this tab please comment/rate and if you're feeling especially generous you could check out my UG profile/music/other tabs =D hugs and kisses Jak (JakIsDead)